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Educating Student in a Silent Way is like Spring Rain Moisening Things Silently
2020-05-12 11:13:45 

"I didn't expect in this class, I not only learned how to make a heart-shaped Chinese knot, but also made my heart connect with the angels in white. I would like to express my respect and wishes to them," commented by Qiu Zhiyi in the class discussion board.

"Character Accessories Design" is a top teacher space project course in Hunan Province hosted by Xiao Hui, the director of the Teaching and Research Department of Character Design specialty, and is also a provincial online excellent course. After 15 years of teaching, she has focused on studentsgrowth and seeking for knowledge. In response to the call to "suspended class, ongoing teaching", aiming to guide students to feel the hardcore power of patriotism in the course and study well at home, teacher Xiao Hui took the initiative to make full use of various educational elements, using a "silent" way to educate people. To create a vocational education "golden course" during the epidemic, she made great efforts in teaching methods, ideological and political education, teaching organization, content development, resource services, etc.. Her excellent deeds were reported by Sanxiang City News.




The outstanding deeds by Miss Xiao in online teaching were reported by Sanxiang City News

News link: Creating "Golden Lessons of the Battle against the Rpidemic", they use "love" to water "flowers of youth"


Educating Student in class and after class for whole process education

In order to improve the teaching quality of the course and fully prepare for the lesson, Miss Xiao Hui purchased the recording equipment such as tripods, photography lights, remote pointer and so on at her own expense. Besides, she continued to optimize and update on the perspective of “watching”, “listening”, “practicing” and “testing” in order to comprehensively expand the full set of teaching resources such as "teaching video", "picture material", "voice classroom", "practical training", and "course test". When teaching online, she used the leading-in of the "situational project" to enhance the sense of substitution of teaching and reduce the across-the-screen feeling of online courses, persist in organizing students attendance check every day, publishing learning tasks, and arranging practical training exercises. Moreover, she corrected assignments in time after class, actively organized discussions and online answer, monitored platform data, and statistically analyzed learning conditions so as to adjust teaching methods and teaching progress in time, and minimize the loss caused by studying at home instead of being at school during the epidemic.


Screenshots of course teaching videos   



                    Screenshots of Q & A after class and homework evaluation and analysis

Course for ideological and political education to "strengthen morality education and cultivate talent"

In order to achieve a comprehensive education of "Course for ideological and political education", Miss Xiao further explored the ideological and political education elements of the course, consciously incorporating with the contents of Ideological and political education, such as "Four Self-confidence", "People Orientation", and "Innovative Spirit". In this lively ideological and political lesson of epidemic prevention and control, she specially set up the special teaching content of "Heart-to-Heart"-"Salute to Medical Heroes" on making Chinese knot accessories, and shared a large number of jewelry design works on the theme of epidemic to guide students to actively and optimistically fight against the epidemic, and enhance students' understanding and perception of "Chinese power", "Chinese spirit", and "Chinese efficiency", which formed a new normal of ideology in classes to “strengthen morality education and cultivate talent” through the combination of curriculum education and ideology.


Secreenshots of "Heart in Heart"-Tribute to the medical heroes



Screenshots of course teaching integrated with ideological and political content

Team work for "cooperative education"

In order to ensure the overall teaching quality of the teaching and research team, as the director of the teaching and research department, Miss Xiao attached great importance to teamwork and experience sharing, mobilizing the enthusiasm of young teachers and organizing online discussion collective lesson preparation. Concentrated on writing teaching plans online, teachers recorded teachings videos separately. According to the needs of the course, under the leadership of teacher Xiao Hui, the team continuously optimized teaching resources, supplemented new teaching contents such as accessory production and matching application, and exerted the synergistic education effect of complementary knowledge and skills to promote sharing, co-construction, and co-education of the teaching resources in the course. In this way, individualized teaching needs of students could be met to achieve high enthusiasm, completion of homework, accuracy of examinations and other good teaching effects.


Screenshot of the teaching video by the teacher team

Ingenious skills to "cultivate talent with culture"

In order to inherit the non-heritage culture of Huxiang, build a carrier of student labor education, expand studentsprofessional horizons, and cultivate their craftsmanship and innovative ability, Xiao Hui blended the concept of non-heritage culture inheritance into the "Character Accessories Design" course to guide students to explore the modern aesthetic value of the silver of Miao minority and to conduct redesign research after being inspired. Through multiple teaching platforms, she promoted the redesigned works by teachers and students to increase the students' sense of historical mission to the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture, forming an intense learning atmosphere for students.

Sharing resources to educate talent

In order to achieve shared education, the course was built in cooperation with the Superstar Platform, providing free resources to universities and colleges across the country, technical guidance and training to young teachers through the QQ group and WeChat group, as well as a paradigm and program for other professional course construction. At present, the course ranks 5th among the national arts and culture major courses on the homepage of the Superstar platform, with over 3 million views. It is ranked in the top 1% in learning activity of the 759 online courses of the college, attracting mroe than 5,000 students from 195 undergraduate and vocational colleges such as East China University of Science and Technology, Hunan Normal University, Shantou University, Hebei Normal University, Guangxi Normal University, etc..


Screenshots of the platform's statistics on the number of course views, number of courses selected, etc.

With the ingenuity to do the golden lesson and insisting on details leading to the best, Miss Xiao Hui, as the winner of the "Golden Whip" award of the national vocational colleges and the Hunan Informatization Teaching Contest, has been devoted to the online golden class, sparing no effort to educate students silently, which is unanimously praised by students.