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For Online Specialized Courses, Mr. Ma has "Tricks"
2020-05-29 09:49:08 



When it comes to specialized courses, more than half of the students get upset and anxious because they are tedious and incomprehensible. Currently, the professional courses taught online bring more difficulties and pressure to teachers and students. How can we make the professional course vivid to attract students to learn professional skills by themselves and acquire knowledge easily? Teacher Ma Jianchang of the School of Visual Art has a set of good methods for online specialized class teaching.



3D Animation and Special Effects Course Homepage


"3D Animation and Special Effects" hosted by Mr. Ma is a provincial-level online open class, which gives full play to the promotion and service of courses with advantages in information and digital learning resources. Through online classes and the "face-to-face" teaching through online live broadcast, the professional skills of animation are presented and spread, benefiting 1309 learners inside and outside the college to learn the animation production skills.




The class was full of humorous language and kind words. He interacted with students in a relaxed and comfortable way, sometimes picking up the flute at hand and playing a song to live up the classroom atmosphere, which changed the tight learning atmosphere in the classroom, mobilized students' interest in learning and increased the attraction of the course. Thanks to his vivid and interesting teaching method, students don’t think the professional course is boring any more and they all like to call him “Lao Ma”. The course has attracted 2764 people from 265 colleges and universities to participate in the online learning.

Teaching students by zones in accordance of their aptitude. Before teaching, Mr. Ma carefully analyzed the academic situation and studied on students' learning ability level, so as to apply different methods according to students' different learning ability level, hands-on operation ability and professional learning interest. He considered teaching as a dragon dance, and divided the class groups into a dragon head zone, a dragon body zone, and a dragon tail zone.



Teaching is like a dragon dance


Raise the dragon head, grab the dragon's waist, and keep a close watch on the dragon's tail. In the live broadcast room, through the presentation of 4-6 excellent work links, he reviewed and analyzed the work style, quality, and creativity, highlighting the students with strong hands-on ability and high perception, who should take a leading role in the class as the dragon head. Emphasis should be placed on the students in the dragon body zone. He stressed on explaining the typical problems and mistakes in students’ works by illustrating and demonstrating 2-3 solutions. They are like the soil for the progress of the learning atmosphere in the class, which needs to be consolidated. Most of the students in the dragon tail zone are not interested in specialties with slightly poor learning ability. It is not suitable to directly teach them professional skills in the process, unless they will feel boring. First, the teacher interacts or exchanges knowledge field close with the majors so as to understand them and then cut into the points of their interests to activate their enthusiasm, quietly leading them to participate in learning. Finally, keep a close watch on them to ensure them to continue to study.

In order to optimize the online courses of professional courses, Mr. Ma took online teaching as an opportunity to rethink online teaching methods and changed the traditional stereotyped online teaching mode by avoiding the use of independent recording video teaching with voice-over, which is just a copy of the offline class presented in the live broadcast room. Instead, teacher should get to know more about students’ latest learning situation, subtly integrating teaching into their study. After continuous summarizing experience, he made the online teaching more attractive, and paid attention to the interactive teaching link in the live broadcast course, keeping a record of more than 100 students’ participation for discussion and exchange.


